
Discover the world of Rivada Space Networks and the future of highly secure, global connectivity. Read more about our journey and gain deeper insights into our most important topics.

Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Critical Connectivity

Satellite communications is a vital element of resilient communications in disaster response scenarios.

Rivada’s Outernet provides organizations and governments planning and deploying critical communications with a resilient and secure network that delivers highly secure Carrier Ethernet service via LEO satellites. This orbital network enables high throughput, low latency, operator grade security and mobility, in combination with rapid deployment. And being MEF complaint, the Rivada Outernet can be seamlessly incorporated into critical communication and PACE planning.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Unique Connectivity Solution for Smarter Oilfields

Remote operations are a fact of life in the oil & gas industry and modern off-shore production platforms are increasingly moving towards greater digitalization and automation to drive efficiency and safety. Rivada’s Outernet, a unique new LEO network architecture, will offer global energy operators access to sufficient secure network capacity to meet all their data-transfer needs in real time, all the time, anywhere on the planet.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

The Rivada Outernet for Telcos

To date, satellite networks have been perceived as a last choice for network connectivity only when terrestrial connectivity is not available. Now, a truly unique LEO satellite network architecture, the OuterNET will provide opportunities for telecom operators which will give them access to previously unavailable levels of secure network performance combined with worldwide reach.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Secure communications networks for an independent Europe

With the "OuterNET™", consisting of 600 satellites, Rivada Space Networks wants to build a European communications network for companies and governments. The Handelsblatt journal editorial team learnt why this is necessary from Declan Ganley, CEO of the German satellite operator Rivada Space Networks.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

The Rivada Outernet

With many LEO constellations either launching or in the advanced planning stage, do we need another one? The answer is YES, if you are building a unique and highly disruptive solution for enterprise and government communications.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Teamwork makes the dream work

What was happening when the official announcement came in that we received the waiver? A throwback to a great moment which the team experienced together in Munich.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Connectivity for the humanitarian sector – a human right

Connectivity in the humanitarian sector has a huge impact as it enables an effective response to humanitarian crises. Rivada Space Networks aims to help provide education, save lives and enable rapid communication in crisis situations.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Rivada Space Networks Program On-Schedule!

Rivada has taken another major step toward the deployment of its constellations. Following a successful team meeting with Terran Orbital in the U.S., we have completed the official onboarding of the industrial partners and subcontractors that will design, manufacture and launch our constellations.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

RSN Goes from Concept to Reality

RSN has signed two of the most anticipated and important contracts in the satellite industry: the manufacturing and the launcher contract.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Cybersecurity Matters 

We are partnering with SpeQtral to demonstrate the technical compatibility of adding a QKD encryption layer to enhance the security of communications over low earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Connectivity As A Service

Connectivity as a service is coming, and it’s going to change the way we think about online as profoundly as cloud computing is transforming business and information technology.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

The Future of Satellite

A unique network for our customers: point-to-point-connectivity, low latencies, high security and truly global reach. Learn more about the future of connectivity.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Turning Constellations into Networks

Today’s connectivity revolution and digital transformation brings ever-increasing demands and opportunities. What will it take to enable the new connectivity of the future and how can we address security concerns?

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Network Orchestration from Aalyria

Aalyria and Rivada Space Networks (RSN) have entered into an agreement to use Aalyria’s Spacetime platform to orchestrate the network for Rivada’s planned LEO constellation, offering Rivada's unique architecture an advantage for finding the most robust and reliable means of communications between any two user terminals in the world through real-time analysis of millions of possible paths.

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Anna Erhardt Anna Erhardt

Closing the Connectivity Gap 

RSN recently joined the Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA) and we look forward to working with them to achieve the goal of a more connected, secure and sustainable world.

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