. . . global connectivity - at any point on the ground, oceans or in the air.

. . . a highly secure, full-featured communications network in space. A Real Private Network.

. . . not just a “last-mile” connection, but an “every-mile" solution for your global telecommunications needs.


Global Solutions

Space is coming of age. Rivada’s Outernet is not just a constellation—it’s a true orbital network.

Our space-based network offers high speeds, low latencies and unmatched security everywhere around the world. Our services are available for governments and enterprises that need fast, secure connectivity with unparalleled data-sovereignty. Find out what we can do for you.

Highly secure and resilient network for governments

When it comes to government communications, security is essential . Critical operations require bandwidth intensive applications, real-time connectivity and advanced sensor capabilities. Our orbital network enables governments to share information securely and in real-time, anywhere in the world.

Increased capacity and global connectivity for telecommunications

Telecommunications networks are highly fragmented and it’s a huge challenge for telecommunication companies to offer services and high capacity around the world while their customers travel the globe. With an independent, global connectivity network, they will be able to develop completely new business models. Our global coverage enables backhaul services of local 4G/5G or other remote (private) networks anywhere in the world.

Unmatched reliability and security for enterprises

Global commerce is increasingly data driven. While some enterprises need data from locations in remote and unconnected areas, others are striving for high performance connectivity to exchange large, sensitive amounts of data. Strategy, new business models and innovations are made data based. We can offer them global LAN performance to run all business applications and securely transact with cloud data to make the most out of their data.

Real-time connectivity for an innovative oil & gas industry

Remote operations are a fact of life in the oil & gas industry. And some 80,000 to 500,000 sensors are on board the typical offshore production platform. Existing satellite networks cannot handle the bandwidth and speed requirements to move this amount of data quickly. With our connectivity network, we enable them to receive all data in real-time, Even the most distant oil platforms on the sea will be connected. With access to real-time seismic data, they can increase their operation efficiency and become increasingly innovative.

Seamless global connectivity for aviation and maritime

Thousands of moving assets that should be connected continuously. But both industries are facing significant challenges getting adequate broadband networks, especially when they cross the poles. Connectivity anywhere and anytime enables two-way communication. This will lead to constant and real-time engine and sensor monitoring for increased safety, efficient repair processes, real-time coordination with airports/ports and route optimisations.

New business models in gaming

In gaming, even milliseconds matter. Large volumes of data have to be transferred very quickly to enable real-time gaming competitions. Rivada’s Outernet not only meets these requirements but also enables new business models for the fast-growing e-sports industry: International live events by connecting venues around the globe that enables direct competition between e-sport teams.

Cost-efficient connectivity for mining

Every mining site has to establish their own local network to gather data which is expensive. And still, the different sites are not connected to each other. Our network acts as the connectivity pipeline to the world, transmitting all data via a single satellite connection. High data rates with low latencies enable real-time safety and performance monitoring, and remote operations.

High throughput
for media

Video content is growing exponentially: streaming services, social media and an increased need within businesses for explanatory videos, video messages and video meetings. Videos require high throughput and low latencies which we can offer. Thanks to the rapid deployment of our connectivity services, media will be able to connect more venues and produce content remotely.

 Value proposition



High Data Throughput

Our data rates will be minimum 10 Gbps per satellite.



Ultimate Security

Your traffic travels through space, minimizing opportunities for interception or misdirection.



Real Time

Thanks to our intersatellite links with almost no touchpoints on the ground, latencies are typically below 150 ms.



Global Connectivity

With a constellation of 600 satellites, we connect any point on the earth.